A Full Service Production Company providing our clients with new technology, new opportunities and new ways of communicating.

We are a team of creative, energetic professionals who are dedicated to providing you with the tools you need to excel at a whole new way of doing business.



New technologies offer real-time communication experiences.  Instant messaging, remote access and streaming video all play a part in our plugged-in, rapid response world.

At Interactive Media Productions we are helping clients communicate faster and better.  Whether you are looking to introduce new products or services, unveil a new strategy, or congratulate a job well done, our creative team will integrate imaginative concepts, strategic thinking and the highest-end technology to give your message the unique style and form it needs for maximum effectiveness.

We recognized early on that each of our clients had very individual needs.  They required more than a production facility.  They required a production partner.  Our philosophy is that business should be about building relationships not about "doing jobs".  That's also the reason why our primary business is understanding your business.  We evaluate the unique requirements, markets, priorities and budgets of our clients and offer solutions that really work.

Our goal is to delivery every project on time and on budget to assure a consistent level of quality to provide the latest technology at the most competitive prices and to make sure that complete customer satisfaction is achieved before any project goes out the door.

The bottom line is mutual trust and respect.  When you entrust us with your project, you can be certain that every detail will receive the utmost attention.  Each word of the script will be carefully crafted; each image honestly and artistically shot; music and narration blended to just the right mix, until finally, your vision becomes a reality.


 Meeting and Event Management

Video Modules

Electronic Speaker Support, utilizing PowerPoint, Director, Flash Animation and the latest technology


Projection and Sound Systems

Video Walls

Trade Shows

Internet and CD-ROM design and Development

Web-cast Production

Produce, Write and Direct Video Production

Speed Writing

The bottom line is mutual trust and respect.  When you entrust us with your project, you can be certain that every detail will receive the utmost attention.  Each word of the script will be carefully crafted; each image honestly and artistically shot; music and narration blended to just the right mix, until finally, your vision becomes a reality.


Contact us and let us show you how we can help differentiate your business from your competition:


Shirley J. Saldamarco, President & Executive Producer
Ste. 100
908 Perry Hwy.
Pittsburgh, PA 15229-1120